St. Paul's Church of Palmer
Unitarian Universalist
Our Beliefs
The “Seven “Principles “ Our church values the diversity of religious beliefs and spiritual expressions. Our spiritual identity is shaped by both our rich spiritual history and our ongoing development as a community of faith. Rather than adhering to fixed doctrines or dogmatic creeds, the Seven Principles that define Unitarian Universalism enable us to embrace spiritual freedom, enlightened reason, compassionate expression, upright character, and selfless service."
We believe that each and every person is important.
We believe that all people should be treated with fairness and kindness.
We believe in accepting one another and encouraging each other's spiritual growth.
We believe that each person must be free to seek what is true and right in life.
We believe that all individuals should have a voice in the matters that concern them.
We believe in working for a peaceful, just, and free world.
We believe in caring for our planet Earth, the shared home of all living things.